Close-up of several strips of newspaper stacked and slightly overlapping, with partial and blurred text visible on each strip. The background is out of focus, emphasizing the layered text.

There are two ways news stories get up. One is when a journalist comes calling or visiting you – usually that’s not good news for you – the second is when you follow journalists up directly or through an agency and pitch a story.

The latter is the most common way people get in the news cycle but you can rest assured that news editors, producers, and journalists are up to pussy’s bow in media releases every day, drowning in them.

The lion’s share of media releases won’t make the cut, many won’t even be read, or if they are skimmed by a frazzled media gatekeeper, a poorly written release with no news values will see it thrown into the metaphorical waste paper basket, post-haste.

So, what makes a media story more likely to get a run? It’s an important question in an age when journalistic resources have never been more stretched.

It’s a question Good Talent Media has turned its mind to and as such we have devised a pitch document that satisfies several criteria for getting stories up. This pitch document is imaginatively titled, The Pitch, which is about to launch.

The Pitch will be a weekly pitch document produced by Good Talent Media that brings industry spokespeople from a variety of sectors together for a weekly take on the news cycle.

The structure of The Pitch is broken into industry, spokesperson, a three paragraph grab on the topical industry issue of the week, a spokesperson bio, and embedded media if applicable.

The benefits of this mode of delivery is threefold.

First, we recognise the media is extremely busy and having one document to scan for multiple news stories across multiple industries (a one-stop shop) is of enormous benefit when their mailbox is full to overflowing. We will be looking to make The Pitch an invaluable resource for editors, producers, and journalists and will be seeking their feedback on ways to make it of even more value.

Second, staffed by current and former newsroom and print journalists, GTM knows how to create attention grabbing takes, meaning the document will be useful, impactful, and easy to scan.

Thirdly, because we already have strong relationships with editors, producers, and journalists, the media trusts us when we vouch for the talent, so anyone appearing on The Pitch will be considered an industry leader and influencer.

Designed so it can be printed off and hung on a partition or studio wall, The Pitch is an easy reference document for any media person wanting a quick response to a breaking story.

Anyone wanting to be part of The Pitch should contact Good Talent Media for more information.

Tony Nicholls

Tony Nicholls

Founder and Director of Good Talent Media

Tony Nicholls is an accomplished journalist who has held roles for more than ten years with the ABC, SBS and Network Ten, covering thousands of news stories across Victoria, Australia and in the international media.


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