Crisis Management

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When a crisis hits your organisation, no news is good news. Effective Reputation Management is staying out of the media altogether and when this isn’t possible – mitigating and removing the impact of devastating press is key.

At Good Talent Media, we know it takes years to build your reputation but minutes to lose it and our consultants are experts at stopping your story from going viral. Our team can guide you on controlling the narrative and protecting your brand through what could be one of your organisation’s defining moments.

When you need to protect your brand through effective damage control, we prepare your messages and spokespeople to handle adverse media. If necessary, we can also engage with journalists, news editors, producers, and manage social media on your behalf.

We Offer 24/7 On Call Crisis Media Support

We are on-call to assist you in times of crises. We prepare you for dealing with adverse media and negative press, and help you develop a plan to protect your brand from reputational damage. If you need us to personally deal with the fallout, we can manage your messages across all of your communication platforms effectively to convey the message you want. We help companies control publicity crises by controlling the story, and the best way to control a story is to have experienced journalists writing it.

Protecting Your Brand From Reputational Damage

Our main priority is to give you the tools you need to protect your brand reputation. We not only offer 24/7 crisis calls, but full media training workshops to guide you through every step of your media and PR crisis management strategy. With our experience in broadcast journalism, we are uniquely positioned to support you. We can help you create a personalised crisis management plan to protect the key interests of your company. This way, you will be able to manage press coverage across appropriate local, state, national and international media and online publications. From fielding all negative media inquiries, liaising with news editors, reporters and chief of staff to conducting and coordinating interviews, you’ll have the skills, knowledge and confidence to get the results you’re looking for and come out on top of a crisis. Book a crisis media workshop today and build a solid crisis media management plan for your company.

Implement An Effective Crisis Management Plan Company-wide

Effective crisis media planning will help you deal with unexpected emergencies proactively, honestly and concisely. You’ll be able to communicate your message across in the best way possible and keep your brand’s professional reputation intact. It allows leaders, executives and key spokespersons in your organisation to deescalate a situation and provide brand protection for your company across multiple levels. When you execute a plan and framework that allows you to respond in a precise, positive and confident manner, you’ll be able to maintain your image, reputation and the sales and productivity of your organisation.

Create A Responsive Crisis Management Strategy

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You need a responsive crisis management strategy. From a time-sensitive digital media crisis strategy to manage online damage, to writing press releases, alerts, and background briefings, interviewing potential case studies, developing case studies and messages, and managing investor and partnership relationships, we can help you take control of the narrative. A defined crisis plan will make everyone’s role clear, helping your organisation identify and anticipate current and future problems.

Control The Narrative With Our Crisis Management PR Team

Crisis management in PR is all about storytelling. It’s about using the facts you have to tell a narrative that portrays your company in the best light. When you’re constantly getting negative press, you have to take a proactive approach and use this publicity to your benefit. Having a PR crisis management team who can competently address your organisation’s position, and steer the conversation into a positive direction is critical to your reputation. Good Talent can work with your media manager and senior leadership group to create a customised, step by step, easy-to-use media crisis plan. Media messages and social media posts will be pre-written for every conceivable crisis.

Get Ongoing PR Crisis Management Support

If you’re experiencing serious ongoing issues and you’re struggling to handle the negative press around your company, we can educate news editors and media outlets about your industry and company. We’ll get your message across, make sure you’re quoted correctly in articles and provide a tailored solution to deal with adverse media. Our 24/7 on-call crisis management support and media workshops will give your spokespeople and communications team the training your company needs to overcome any obstacle. You’ll be able to make the right decisions during times of crisis, take advantage of your visibility to sway public perception and protect your brand in the long term. Book your media and PR crisis management course online today or talk to our team to have us intervene immediately on your behalf. We’re available to give you 24/7 crisis media support tailored to fit the unique needs of your company.


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