Staffed by former print and broadcast journalists, GTM have been helping good organisations tell great stories for over five years, and as media professionals we have over 40 years of media experience.
Weighted on the news end of the PR spectrum, GTM knows how to package stories that get pick up in the media.
On the crisis front we help organisations and bodies deal with reputation issues, conduct crisis media audits, and prepare for media and legal cross-examination before Royal Commissions.
When it comes to fronting the media and getting key messages across, we teach our clients how to distill the message, nix the nerves, and how to pivot and flag – to direct the conversation away from where the media want to take it and toward the message you want to deliver.
Finally, digital media is an essential element of brand building and brand protection. Learn how to build and manage your online footprint.
To book a spot, contact us. email info@goodtalent.com.au or call 1300 258 995. Press play below to see the program.
Tony Nicholls
Founder and Director of Good Talent Media