The LOTE Agency is a Culturally and Linguistically Diverse (CALD) specialist communications agency doing incredible and vital work in the business, environmental, emergency response, polling, and health fields; the latter being a particularly hot topic as COVID has adversely impacted CALD communities during the pandemic.
Good Talent Media (GTM) was employed by LOTE to help familiarise the media, the public, government, business, sports codes, and regulatory agency with the work they do in not just translating comms into multiple languages and getting the tone right, but in reaching into the platforms and grassroots networks CALD groups use to communicate. LOTE is an essential bridge to get your CALD communications and channels right.
GTM has provided LOTE with media opportunities in various media outlets including SBS Radio, SBS TV, ABC News Breakfast, ABC Radio Melbourne, ABC TV, radio and online, 3AW, and in trade publications such as Mumbrella.
The strategy going forward is to continue to craft strong and emotionally engaging stories and to target them at programs, outlets and publications that LOTE’s key target market consume.
Tony Nicholls

Tony Nicholls

Founder and Director of Good Talent Media

Tony Nicholls is an accomplished journalist who has held roles for more than ten years with the ABC, SBS and Network Ten, covering thousands of news stories across Victoria, Australia and in the international media.


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